Do Tax Resolution Services Work?
May 26, 2015 by
Do tax resolution services work?
Yes! But you need the right representation at a reasonable cost. Read more here.
How do I know if it will work for me specifically?
This will depend on your personal expectations and circumstances. In most individual IRS tax debt cases, a well planned phone call or two can resolve your income tax liabilities directly with the IRS. And, most people can do it themselves. They just need some initial guidance. Read more here.
What can a tax resolution service do for me that I can't do on my own?
This is a tricky question. Individuals can definitely resolve their own federal income tax debts with the IRS. How effectively this happens depends a lot on the individual and the IRS collection case. A tax resolution professional will know the tricks of the trade that come with experience. Fresh Start offers the tax resolution "secrets" without the high price tag. Read more here.
Fresh Start's offers a resolution strategy tailored to fit each of its clients. Our fee is $499. Call today to learn more about how we can help you resolve and reduce your back taxes.
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