Terms & Conditions of Service
At Fresh Start Tax Relief (FSTR), our mission is to guide struggling, budget-conscious taxpayers toward real back tax solutions. As an FSTR customer, we'll share our knowledge and experience with you. We'll give you all the tools you'll need to build a successful, do-it-yourself resolution to your tax debt. And all for under $500! There are a few formalities we should get out of the way, however, so read on carefully.The information and content provided on www.freshstarttaxrelief.com is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice, nor does it constitute written advice as described in IRS Circular 230. Please be advised that any Federal tax information contained on this website is not intended and cannot be used for the purpose of evading or avoiding any tax imposed by the Internal Revenue Code, nor can it be used for the purposes of avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed on you or any other person under the Internal Revenue Code.
The terms below are part of our agreement with you. Contact FSTR promptly if you have questions or concerns. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of our agreement with you and the terms and conditions below, the terms of our agreement with you shall control in each instance.
Scope of Our Service
We will at all times advise you to the best of our ability. Any expressions on our part concerning the resolution and outcome of your tax debt are expressions of our best professional judgment, but are not guarantees. Such opinions are limited by our knowledge of the facts and are based on the state of the law and regulations at the time they are expressed.
It is our policy that the person or entity that we provide our tax debt relief service is the person or entity that is identified in our agreement and does not include any affiliates of such person or entity (i.e., if you are a corporation or partnership: any parents, subsidiaries, employees, officers, directors, shareholders or partners of the corporation or partnership, or commonly owned corporations or partnerships; or, if you are a trade association: any members of the trade association).
It is our further policy that our service is limited to performance of the services described in the agreement and does not include service to you or your interests in any other matter.
After completion of our service, changes may occur in the applicable laws or regulations that could have an impact upon your future rights and liabilities. We always strive to keep our clients updated on matters on which we have been hired. However, unless you engage us after completion of the service to provide additional advice on issues arising from the matter, FSTR has no continuing obligation to advise you with respect to future IRS or other taxing authority developments.
FSTR is not a law firm and does not practice law. FSTR does not represent taxpayers before the IRS, as a form 2848 Power of Attorney, or any other taxing authority. Our services are not intended as a substitute for legal counsel. FSTR makes no representations that our services will result in relieving you of the payment of your tax liabilities. FSTR does not guarantee the acceptance of any tax debt relief programs by the IRS or any other taxing authority.
Principal Contact
Customarily, each client of FSTR is served by a principal FSTR contact. Your service and work, or parts of it may be performed by other FSTR employees. Such delegation may be for the purpose of involving licensed representatives or other FSTR employees with special expertise in a given area.
Fees and Payment
FSTR charges a flat fee of $499 for our basic tax relief service. We accept credit card payments only - Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. There are no hidden charges or fees. Please call us prior to purchase for a complete explanation of our service. There will be no future transactions from your credit card without your explicit permission and a new, separate payment authorization. Additional half hour consultations will be billed at $150 and other services may be billed hourly to fit a specific client's needs. We will give you prompt notice if your account becomes delinquent, and you agree to bring the account current. If the delinquency continues, we will discontinue our service until satisfactory payment terms have been arranged. Please refer to your agreement for more information regarding fees and payments for services.Cancellation and Refunds
You may cancel your Fresh Start Tax Relief service before 4pm (central time) on the 1st business day following your purchase. To exercise your right to cancel, Fresh Start Tax Relief must receive written notice from you prior to such time. a 100% refund will be given if the service is cancelled in accordance with the above terms. Contact Fresh Start Tax Relief.
If you are currently in a bankruptcy proceeding, you are not eligible to request a resolution to your tax liabilities from the involved taxing authorities. Any resolution of your outstanding tax debts, generally must take place within the context of your bankruptcy proceeding.
Your Privacy
Your personal, nonpublic information will not be disclosed to anyone outside of Fresh Start Tax Relief LLC without your written consent. We will use the information you provide us and the information and documents we obtain during the course of our work to perform the services for which you have hired us. Fresh Start maintains safeguards to protect our client's privacy that comply with federal regulations. Check our website's Privacy Policy for more information.
Your communications with Fresh Start do not carry an attorney-client privilege. Please understand that information you give us may not be privileged and may be disclosed under certain circumstances such as criminal investigations by the IRS or other authorities.
Your credit card details will be kept secure and will not be disclosed to third parties. There will be no future transactions from Fresh Start Tax Relief to your credit card without your explicit permission and a new, separate payment authorization.