You're probably aware that the IRS charges large penalties to those that fail to file and pay their taxes on time. Most of our clients have penalties assessed against them and would like to get them removed. They just don't know how.
At Fresh Start Tax Relief we investigate our clients IRS case to determine the total penalty amounts assessed, the types of penalties assessed and the periods the penalties have been assessed. We also tell our clients how to request the removal of their penalties and provide them with a template to follow when submitting their request.
Most of our clients could cover Fresh Start Tax Relief's $499 fee by using our template to request the removal of their IRS penalties. Many of them could end up getting much more than $499 back in their pocket.
Fresh Start Tax Relief provides a guided tax relief service that arms its clients with the knowledge and confidence to resolve and reduce their own IRS tax debt. Call 866-937-5079 to get help now!
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