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IRS Installment Agreement


We get this question a lot from clients and those that are simply seeking information.  Sometimes its less of a question and more of a statement, something like –

“I’m not paying it until they take away the penalties!”

That’s fine, but you may not get too far that way.

The basic answer to the question is… pay it, then ask for relief.  If you can’t pay it all at once, set up a monthly Installment A...
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Last month, January 2018, the IRS started reporting taxpayers with “Seriously Delinquent Tax Debt” to the State Department.  In this case, seriously delinquent means $50,000+ adjusted yearly for inflation.  So, if you fit the criteria below, your passport could be denied, revoked or limited.
  • Owe $50,000+
  • Notice of Federal Tax Lien has been filed, or
  • A levy has been issued
What’s the solution?  Here...
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If you have a formal Installment Agreement with the IRS and are tired of sending in checks each month, one solution is the Payroll Deduction Agreement.

If your employer will agree to it, use IRS form 2159 to have your monthly IRS Installment Agreement deducted directly from your paychecks.  This may decrease your chances of submitting a late payment or missing a payment altogether.

Contact Fr...
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IRS Online Installment Agreement

The IRS now allows individual taxpayers to set up a monthly payment agreement to satisfy a back tax liability online.  If you owe $50,000 or less and want to set up a formal Installment Agreement with the IRS without talking to the Service on the phone, here's your chance.

Before paying someone else to set up your Installment Agreement, try to do it yourself di...
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The IRS Installment Agreement is a popular choice among taxpayers attempting to resolve a federal back tax debt.  Here are the different types of Installment Agreements available.
  • Guaranteed Installment Agreement
  • Streamlined Installment Agreement
  • Fresh Start Initiative Streamlined Installment Agreement
  • Non-Streamlined Installment Agreement
  • Partial Payment Installment Agreement
  • Direct D...
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Did the IRS recently terminate your Installment Agreement?  If your IRS termination letter is dated less than 30 days ago, you may be able to Appeal it by submitting a Collection Appeal Program (CAP) request on form 9423. 

We recommend catching up your missed payment or correcting whatever issue may have caused your IA to default in the first place before submitting the CAP.  In addition, you...
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At the end of 2014 Fresh Start Tax Relief was hired by a local Chicagoan.  He lives two blocks from our office.  A balance due on his 2013 1040 tax return prompted him to call.
He already had a formal Installment Agreement in place on a $2,500 tax debt from 2010 and wasn't sure how to handle an additional $10,000 tax debt from 2013.

Here's what we were able to help him figure out.
  • His accountan...
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What makes choosing a tax resolution company so difficult?  I think it's all of the different promises, guarantees and options you hear about on the T.V., radio, online and from salesmen over the phone.  I've seen a commercial that said IRS tax debts can be settled for 10% of the total amount owed.  A radio ad I recently heard stated that new government programs are available to lower tax debts...
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When you're requesting the removal of IRS penalties, there are a few things that you should do beforehand.  The first priority when resolving and reducing your IRS tax debt is gaining compliance.  It's a good idea to be in tax compliance before you request the removal of penalties.  The IRS likes to see that the problem that caused you to fall out of tax compliance and accrue the penalty has be...
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Our Specialties

  • Tax Debt Resolution / Tax Relief
  • Offer in Compromise / IRS Settlement
  • IRS Penalty Abatement and Relief
  • Installment Agreement / Monthly Payment Plan
  • Tax Lien, Levy and Garnishment Removal
  • IRS Lien Subordination, Withdrawal, Discharge
  • Enrolled Agents / Tax Debt Specialists

Fresh Start Tax Relief LLC, Taxes - Consultants & Representatives, Chicago, IL

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