Do I really qualify for the IRS OIC, CNC, PPIA, IA or Penalty Abatement
Feb 9, 2015 by
What makes choosing a tax resolution company so difficult? I think it's all of the different promises, guarantees and options you hear about on the T.V., radio, online and from salesmen over the phone. I've seen a commercial that said IRS tax debts can be settled for 10% of the total amount owed. A radio ad I recently heard stated that new government programs are available to lower tax debts substantially and if I owe $10,000 or more I could qualify.
The problem with this is that the IRS determines whether or not a taxpayer qualifies for a specific resolution on a case by case basis. For example, the Offer in Compromise (OIC) is not a one size fits all deal that's sealed with a handshake. It is a very lengthy process and takes a very detailed, intrusive look at the taxpayer's finances. It is nearly impossible to tell a prospective client that the IRS will accept a 10% settlement as full payment. And those companies that promise this type of thing make choosing the right tax resolution company very difficult. If Fresh Start hasn't looked at a clients completed IRS form 433-F or 433-A, we can't properly identify the best option available to resolve the tax debt. It's that simple.
Fresh Start Tax Relief uses IRS form 8821, Tax Information Authorization to investigate our client's case. We also have our clients complete and return IRS form 433-F or 433-A to us in order to analyze their IRS collection potential. This allows us to determine the severity of their case and establish the best IRS resolution options available to them.
Contact Fresh Start Tax Relief today. We can help whether you owe $500 or $5 Million. Our fee is $499 no matter what.
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