Fresh Start Tax Relief is able to research and investigate our clients' IRS collection cases using IRS form 8821, Tax Information Authorization to request relevant information from the Service. This helps us determine the best resolution strategy for your specific situation.
Along with our research and investigation results from your case, we consider your Collection Potential (using form IRS 433-F or 433-A) to match the best solutions available to your particular needs. We are able to tailor a resolution plan based on the data and details of your case using real numbers.
After you get a chance to review our findings and we go over the specifics with you and answer all of your questions, you'll be armed with the knowledge and confidence to resolve your back taxes. If at that point you want sign over IRS Power of Attorney to us, we can implement the plan of attack for you too.
Call us today at 866-937-5079! We can help you solve your back tax problems for good.
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