Get started resolving your state tax liabilities using the information below. If you still need help, reach out to us using the contact form to the right of this page.Pretty much standard information in the Oregon Taxpayer Rights document.
OR-DOR Monthly Payment Plan
The basics
- 6 months or less and you shouldn’t need to complete a financial statement
- More than 6 months will probably require a financial statement.
- If you’re fortunate enough to be granted more than 12 months, your agreement will be reviewed periodically.
State of Oregon Offer in Compromise
The Settlement Offer has some unique qualifiers. But what do you expect from a unique state like Oregon.
Here’s some basic information about it. But, definitely read through the webpage and form for yourself.
- 5% of offered amount must be sent with Application for Settlement
- All payments must be certified funds
- Collection activity may continue while Settlement is reviewed (garnishments, liens, seizures).
- If accepted, the Settlement amount usually must be paid within 10 days of acceptance. If you can’t pay within 10 days of acceptance, be sure to ask for installment payments over 6 months. You just might get it.
- If rejected, there is no Appeal process for Settlement. And, Oregon is keeping your 5% payment to apply toward the tax you owe.
Penalty Relief
According to the 2015 Oregon Publication 17 ½
Appealing penalty or interest
Do you believe there is reasonable cause for a reduction of penalties or interest? If so, you may ask for a waiver or reduction of part or all of the penalty and interest charges. However, please note that the department generally will not waive interest charges.
Waiver criteria are outlined in the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) under OAR 150-305.145. You must explain how your situation meets any of the criteria. We will review your waiver request and let you know our decision in writing. If you disagree with the decision, you will receive further appeal instructions.
page last reviewed 10/26/2021