Get started resolving your state tax liabilities using the information below. If you still need help, reach out to us using the contact form to the right of this page.ID-STC Monthly Payment Plan
Here’s what you need to know about making Payment Arrangements to pay back taxes with the Idaho State Tax Commission.
- You can avoid a tax lien by paying the tax debt within 6 months
- Payment Plans can not extend longer than 18 months for individuals
- Payment Plans for businesses typically have a 12 month max with 6 months preferred
State of Idaho Offer in Compromise
ID-STC may consider a settlement, according to the Collection Compliance Manual, due to the four reasons below.
- Doubt as to Liabililty
- Doubt as to Collectibility
- Economic Hardship
- Effective Tax Administration
Penalty Relief
Penalty Abatement for Reasonable Cause is an option. The state says so here in its Taxpayer Rights web page. Check under The Right to Payment Options.
page last reviewed01/05/2024